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General Info
We have collected a variety of helpful general info, all related around lawn and garden care.
Hope you enjoy it.
The general info include:
Trading Hours
Prodigy Lawns
Email: travis@prodigylawns.com.au
Mobile: 0447 442-230
ABN: 49 511 690 987
Monday - Saturday 7.00am to 5.30pm
Sunday as needed
Public Holiday on request
Public Liability Insurance: $10,000,000
Products Liability Insurance: $10,000,000
Free Quote
Special Offer $77- Home Mow... *
Is your house block under 5502m.
For $77- we will whipper snip around all gardens, fence lines and paths then mulch mow your front and rear lawns, edge the front lawns and blow all paths, driveway and foot path.
All this for $77- (inc GST).
Weed Control...
Are your weeds getting out of control?
Sick of wasting your weekends weeding?
Are you looking for a safe way to keep weeds and grass from growing in the cracks of your paved patios, driveways, foot paths, walkways and stoned areas?