Are you lawns getting out of control and you just don’t have the time to look after them.
Well we are the solution!
At Prodigy Lawns we maintain lawns all over the Northern Beaches.
Give us a call today on 0403 047-358 and let’s get started.
We will take a good look over your lawns and make any suggestions to the maintenance of your lawns, so as to keep your lawns healthy and alive while saving you money.
A well maintained lawn typically needs mowing every 10 to 14 days during the wet season and 15 to 21 days in the dry season. We schedule your lawn mowing maintenance throughout the year to make sure your lawns get mowed and maintained when they need it.
While we are there we can also do other services such as Garden Cut Back and Weed Control Poisoning, High Pressure Water Jet Blasting of your Driveway, Footpaths, Roofs and just about anywhere else that needs water blasting.
Get your weekends back again by having Prodigy Lawns Maintain your lawns!!!
Phone Prodigy Lawns today on 0447 442-230.